Tell you what, though. Between the full-court publicity press for this movie and the fact that I live in Austin, where it's all people are talking about, I'm almost sick of Grindhouse already. I'm very interested to hear what my friends & colleagues have to say, and I'm very curious to see how the thing does at the box office ... but I'm looking past GH and salivating for Spidey (and Pirates) 3 already. God, us movie nerds are such a fickle and demanding lot.
But yes, definitely let me know what you thought of it. By next weekend I'll be all geeked up and ready to talk Grindhouse again.
It seems like violence just for the sake of violence. Is there are storyline of any kind?
Or am I completely missing the point...
The Rodriguez was fun. The Tarantino is one of the greatest things I have ever seen. The Edgar Wright trailer made me pee myself.
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lolikneri havaqatsu
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