I was only able to attend the last two screenings, but the evening was a whole lot of fun anyway. Freebie and the Bean is a fantastically entertaining and undeniably weird cop comedy from 1974 that stars James Caan and Alan Arkin. The flick's never been released on DVD, but I will definitely own a copy when it hits disc form. After F & B there was a short break, then a whole bunch of goofy old action movie trailers, and then Hot Fuzz (which I'd already seen but really wanted to enjoy with a rollicking crowd).

Best of all was the "Alamo Gang," which milled around chatting long after the movie(s) ended. Tim & Karrie and Zack and Kier-La and Lars and Jarrette and Brian. Eric and Matt and Jarren and Anne and Marcus and Jette and ALL the other "regulars" who pop up whenever the Alamo does something cool -- which, needless to say, is often. It's just great to find a place where you feel like you fit in, especially if that place is jam-packed with great movies, fried food, and a crew like this. (snif) The Alamos are beginning to feel like my own personal Cheers -- and I guess I'm kinda like that loud obnoxious mailman everyone barely stomachs.

<---- That's me, Tim "Alamo" League and Matt "SXSW" Dentler. Who ever said movie geeks were ugly?
Come back soon, Scott! I don't have anyone to split a basket of fries with at Alamo.
I had no clue about Hot Fuzz until I saw a trailer in front of 300. I can't wait--or at least I hope I don't have to wait. Those guys are brilliant.
Well said.
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